Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Social media has become part and parcel of our daily lives. For professional growth, we use social media to showcase our competencies. We also highlight our interest areas and get visibility as a knowledge expert. We can harness the power of social media to become More knowledgeable Share our knowledge with social media followers. Attract more followers and work towards becoming an influencers/ knowledge expert. This activity requires some time investment daily. It will need us to read a lot, write/blog/vlog a lot, tweet a lot and share a lot. It’s an effort. There is some automation available to help us ease out this process. It automates the task of redundant manual activities. In this blog, I highlight some of the automation: Use of Automation to become knowledgeable. These are some of the automation tips - there can be more: Use of IFTT Automation: Stores key term searches in a google excel sheet. It helps in building your weekly knowledge st